Raw food weight loss occurs while consuming a largely uncooked diet.
Our discussion will be restricted to uncooked vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
Raw meats, shellfish, and unpasteurized milk will not be included in our conversation. The potential for food borne illness is much too high with these foods.
Many sources of information are available for you to explore these items on your own. Just be careful and have a full understanding of the ramifications of adding uncooked meats and seafood into your diet.
Typical American Diet
This is nothing new. They have been the staple of human food supplies since Adam and Eve. Remember the apple? It was raw fresh fruit!
However, it can be assumed that most people today consume much more cooked foods than they have in the past. A good example is the so-called Typical American Diet (TAD), which consists mainly of refined, highly processed and cooked foods.
The Typical American Diet is blamed for many of the illnesses and diseases people currently suffer from.
It is often postulated by proponents of raw foods that much pain and suffering (not to mention health care costs) could be saved if the majority of people consumed such diets.
Common Foods
Weight loss using these foods can be accomplished with a minimum of fuss because it consists of common foods.
Raw vegetables, fresh fruits, sprouts (like alfalfa or bean sprouts), nuts, seeds, and legumes (such as lentils) are familiar raw foods. Grains, preferably whole grains instead of refined grains, are found on grocery store shelves everywhere.
It is generally accepted amongst those consuming raw food diets that foods should not be heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
Raw food weight loss diets are a very natural way to lose weight. Unlike fad diets that promote extreme weight loss at the expense of your health, raw food diets offer many healthful benefits.
Don't be afraid to embark on an exciting journey into the new world of healthy weight loss diets. It just may be the best thing you can do for yourself.
Our discussion will be restricted to uncooked vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
Raw meats, shellfish, and unpasteurized milk will not be included in our conversation. The potential for food borne illness is much too high with these foods.
Many sources of information are available for you to explore these items on your own. Just be careful and have a full understanding of the ramifications of adding uncooked meats and seafood into your diet.
Typical American Diet
This is nothing new. They have been the staple of human food supplies since Adam and Eve. Remember the apple? It was raw fresh fruit!
However, it can be assumed that most people today consume much more cooked foods than they have in the past. A good example is the so-called Typical American Diet (TAD), which consists mainly of refined, highly processed and cooked foods.
The Typical American Diet is blamed for many of the illnesses and diseases people currently suffer from.
It is often postulated by proponents of raw foods that much pain and suffering (not to mention health care costs) could be saved if the majority of people consumed such diets.
Common Foods
Weight loss using these foods can be accomplished with a minimum of fuss because it consists of common foods.
Raw vegetables, fresh fruits, sprouts (like alfalfa or bean sprouts), nuts, seeds, and legumes (such as lentils) are familiar raw foods. Grains, preferably whole grains instead of refined grains, are found on grocery store shelves everywhere.
It is generally accepted amongst those consuming raw food diets that foods should not be heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
Raw food weight loss diets are a very natural way to lose weight. Unlike fad diets that promote extreme weight loss at the expense of your health, raw food diets offer many healthful benefits.
Don't be afraid to embark on an exciting journey into the new world of healthy weight loss diets. It just may be the best thing you can do for yourself.