Monday, April 18, 2016

Try Cooking For Kids With Crock Pots

When you're cooking for kids it can be difficult getting them involved in the process at times. Sometimes I just want them out of the kitchen because the stove is hot and/or the water is boiling. But with all the things your children could be doing - it's truly best when you can teach and share dinnertime with them during this special time of the day.

Crock Pots

Lately, I've been using my crock pot. I guess the new term is 'slow cooker' but I grew up calling it a 'crock pot'. I haven't used my crock pot in years and was shocked how easy meals have been lately.

I remember when I was growing up my mom use to make a German recipe called 'Eintope'. She threw a bunch of vegetables and meat into the pot and let it cook all day long. When I would come home from school I'd have all the 'Eintope' I wanted! Yum! (... of course, that seemed to always be during the cold months when I think crock pot cooking is the best!)

Kids love to help in the kitchen. My youngest is always looking for a job. Sometimes he stirs the sauces, sometimes he rolls the croissant rolls. With crock pot cooking your kids can help cut up vegetables (... please use a vegetable chopper!) and dump everything in the pot together. Now what could be more fun for a kid.

Keep in mind, I go by the general rule that less ingredients is always better when kids are involved. If your children are like my kids - they probably have a short attention span. My boys will run into the kitchen, want to help, and then suddenly bolt into the living room (... leaving everything out on the kitchen counter) because their favorite TV show came on! It's a challenge some days, but I love it.
So, here are a few ideas for your crock pot adventures:
  • Spaghetti & Meatballs
  • Sloppy Joes
  • Bar-B-Que Chicken Wings
  • Beanie Weenies
  • Chili
  • Mac-N-Cheese
Just don't forget to let the kids help with the cleanup. I always make them clean the table and load the dishwasher. But crock pots usually require a little more effort.
Cooking with kids can truly be a joy that you will cherish for a lifetime. If you're not much of a chef, crock pot cooking makes it especially easy! I hope you try it and have fun along the way.
Enjoying Life Online,

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