Monday, May 23, 2016

Food Groups For Weight Loss

Fruits make delicious, healthy, low-calories and low fat snack and are one of the most important parts of our diet. Fruits contain lots of water and this help to rehydrate the body, aiding metabolism and fat burning.People who eat lots of fruit have healthy skin and hair and a radiant glow. Make sure you eat plenty of fruits everyday as part of your diet plan.

1. Banana - releasing energy, make an excellent snack for dieters
2. Papaya - sweet and delicious fruit cleanses and soothes the whole digestive tract
3. Berries - full of antioxidants
4. Kiwi - great for beating water retention
5. Watermelon - contains plenty of water and delicious
6. Apple - full of vitamins, minerals and fibre, a top fruit for weight loss
7. Orange - high in Vitamin C and low in calories
8. Lemon - powerful liver cleanser and kick starts the metabolism
9. Apricot - low calories and super sweet fruit
10. Mango - potent detoxifier, delicious and deep cleansing

Vegetable low in calories and fat and they are high in nutritious. Vegetables containing wide range of vitamins and minerals that will keep you healthy while you trying to lose weight. The best way to eat vegetable is fresh and raw. Raw vegetable makes the body work hard to digest it by using more energy and consequently has less fat to store.

1. Asparagus - great for beating water retention & bloating
2. Broccoli - high in fibre and low in calories
3. Spinach - slow release energy, keeping hunger at bay
4. Watercress - antioxidant that cleanse the kidneys, purifies the blood
5. Cabbage - cleansing for the digestive system, a powerful detoxifier
6. lettuce - great for beating water retention & bloating
7. Celery - extremely low in calories, high in cleansing & excellent for fighting retention
8. Cucumber - great in cleansing, high water content
9. Red pepper - top metabolism booster, helping body to brun fat
10. Tomato - high water content, very low calories count, great in hydrating

Grains and pulses have high in calories and carb element. There is a lot of confusion about grains and cereals in our diets. Many of the low-carb diets banned on it. The truth is the fibre in it is an essential in the diet. Wholegrains and pulses are low fat source of fibre, promoting a healthy digestive. They also boost energy and regulate blood-fat levels.

1. Oats - one of the most nutritious grain, full of minerals, protein and soluble fibre
2. Brown rice - slow release carbs stabilize blood sugar
3. Barley - slow release energy, staves off hunger pangs
4. Chicpea - high in fibre, maintain a healthy digestive system
5. Soya - contains omega 3, amino acids, protein, minerals and vitamins

Protein is needed for cellular growth and repair and it is an essential part of our diet but in small portion. Protein is found in meat, poultry, fish, dairy product, egg, tofu
and nuts. Some of them are high in fat but still can be eaten in moderation as long as it properly prepared.
1. Tofu - made from soya beans, best for vegetarian to get protein
2. Egg- low fat source of protein, stabilizing blood sugar levels and keep hunger at the bay
3. Salmon - full of omega 3 fatty acids
4. Duck - high in protein, vitamin B2, zinc, iron
5. Oyster - low in calories and fat burn

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